Pillow Smell Like Vinegar? (7 Ways to Remove) 2025

If your pillow smell like vinegar then you need to know this,

The main reason why your pillow smells like vinegar is that sweat and bacteria.

Human sweat is nothing but water and sodium chloride (Salt) but it also contains small amounts of potassium, ammonia, calcium, and urea, and when sweat mixes with bacteria on your pillow or skin it produces sour smell.

This sour smell can smell like vinegar.

And believe me, the last thing you want to sleep on is a smelly pillow and bed.

In this article, We will discuss some proven ways to remove the vinegar smell from pillows and how you can permanently fix this problem.

But believe me, if your sweat or pillow smells like vinegar then it’s perfectly normal and you don’t need to worry too much.

Let’s get started.

Why Does My Pillow Smell Like Vinegar?

The main reason why your pillow smell like vinegar is because bacteria and sweat can cause your pillow to smell like vinegar.

So all you need to do is to clean and disinfect your pillow in order to remove that musty, sour, and vinegar smell out of the pillow.

But make sure you know the material of your pillow because memory foam pillows can get easily damaged so you need to follow these ways carefully.

7 Ways to Remove Vinegar Smell From Pillow

Here are some proven and tested ways to get the vinegar smell out of the pillow in no time.

But make sure you follow these steps carefully because one single mistake can ruin your pillows.

Way 1: Use Baking Soda

This is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to remove the vinegar smell from the pillows.

Remove the pillowcases from your pillows and throw them into the washer and put it on a gentle cycle with mild detergent.

In meantime, if there is moisture in your pillow then take a paper towel or clean cloth and absorb excess moisture from your pillow.

Now sprinkle some baking soda on your pillow and let it sit for a few hours.

After that, vacuum up all baking soda particles from your pillow.

Until now the smell of vinegar from your pillow will be gone.

Also Read: How To Freshen Blankets Without Washing

Way 2: Vinegar Method

I know this way sounds a little bit strange to remove the vinegar smell from the pillow with using vinegar but believe me this method works like magic.

If the smell from your pillow is too strong then baking soda alone can’t work.

After washing the pillowcases from your pillow, mix half part of the white vinegar with half parts of the water and mix them well.

Pour this solution into a spray bottle, but do not shake the solution.

Once you create a solution, spray the solution on your pillow. 

Don’t oversaturate the area but spray until it gets damp.

Once you spray the solution on your pillow, then you can wait for at least 15 minutes and again take a paper towel or clean cloth and absorb the excess solution from your pillow.

Sprinkle some baking soda on your pillow and let it sit for at least 3 to 4 hours, after that vacuum up all baking soda particles from your pillow.

Way 3: Laundry Detergent Paste

This is another great way to remove the vinegar smell from your pillows.

Create a paste using laundry detergent, water, and baking soda.

And apply this paste on the affected areas of your pillow and remove this paste after it gets dried up.

But this method can be risky so make sure you read the label of your pillow because some pillows can get damaged with laundry detergent.

Way 4: Use Essential Oils

If you use essential oil with baking soda then it’s going to be a killer combination to kill all bacteria and smell from your pillows.

Sometimes, the odor can be strong so you need to use essential oil with baking soda.

Take some baking soda and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil into your baking soda and mix it well.

In essential oil, there are lots of fragrances but you can choose your favorite for example lavender fragrance can be great for calm and relaxing,

These essential oils not only remove the sour smell from the pillow but also make your pillow smell better and amazing.

Way 5: Use Lemons

Lemons are another best way to remove the vinegar smell from your pillow.

Lemon is a cheap and household remedy for removing bad smells from your pillows and bedding.

Lemon has an acid neutralizer that neutralizes and removes bacteria and sweat.

Get some lemon slices and start rubbing them on the pillows and let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes then wipe them out with a wet cloth.

Way 6: Use Pillow Protector

If the smell from the pillow is not fading after trying all methods then you can use a pillow protector or you can use a pillow protector to protect your pillow from getting in contact with sweat and bacteria.

Use a waterproof pillow protector which will protect your pillow from getting moist and prevent your pillow from bacteria and bad smells.

Way 7: Shower Before you Sleep

This way is a little bit different because this method is not another way to remove bad smells from your pillow.

Because this way is for preventing your pillow from getting sweat and bacteria.

As You know average human sweats like crazy during the night but if you take a shower before you sleep then your pillow or mattress can’t smell sour or like vinegar.

Final Words

If your pillow smells like vinegar that means this is happening due to sweat and bacteria that are accumulated in your pillow.

So in order to get rid of the vinegar smell, you need to clean the sweat and bacteria from your pillow.

You can use baking soda, vinegar, laundry detergent, essential oil, and lemon to get rid of the sour smell from your pillow.

And use a pillow protector and shower before you sleep for preventing your pillow from bacteria and sweat in the future.

If you have any questions regarding the sour smell in your pillow then you can ask them in the comment section of this article.

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