Pillow Smell Like Cheese? [4 Ways to Remove] 2025

If your pillow smell like cheese then you need to give your proper attention.

So when your pillow has a cheese smell then you need to remove that bad smell from your pillow immediately.

But why does your pillow smell like cheese?

The bacteria which is used to ripen many kinds of cheese also live on our skin and eat the dead skin cells.

And when you sweat on your pillow then the dead skin cells, sweat, and body fluids can accumulate on your pillow which causes your pillow to smell like cheese.

So the main reason behind the cheese smell is bacteria caused by sweat and body fluids.

In this article, We Will Discuss some proven Ways to Remove the Cheese Smell From your Pillow and bedding.

And also discuss how you can prevent your bedding in the future from sweat and body fluids.

Let’s get started.

Reason Behind Pillow Smell Like Cheese

An Average American Men Sweats around 1 liter of sweat every night.

Compared to women, men sweat more which results in larger populations of Corynebacterium spp.

This is nothing but intensified cheese-like odor which is caused by the higher production of volatile fatty acids in your sweat.

So the main reason behind the stinky cheese smell from the pillow is causing because of sweat and bacteria.

You have to kill bacteria and remove the cheese smell from your pillow.

Also Read: Pillow Smell Like Chemicals (3 Ways to get rid of it)

4 Ways to Remove cheese Smell From Pillow

Here are some proven and tested ways to remove the cheese smell from your pillow.

But make sure you read the label of your pillow to check what type of cleaning solution we can use and what we can’t.

Way 1: White Vinegar

If your pillow smells like cheese then you need to kill the bacteria and remove the bad odor from your pillow.

In order to kill bacteria and remove the sweat and cheese smell you need to use vinegar and baking soda.

Here are the things you will need.

  • Spray bottle
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Paper towel or dry cloth

Now, remove the pillowcases and bedding and throw them into the washer in a gentle cycle with mild detergent.

Meanwhile, create a vinegar solution. Mix half parts of the white vinegar with half parts of the water and mix this solution well.

Pour this solution into spray bottle but do not shake the spray bottle.

Once you created a solution, spray the solution on your pillow and let it sit for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, take a paper towel or dry cloth and absorb the excess solution.

Once you absorbed the excess solution, sprinkle some baking soda on your pillow and let it sit for a few hours.

After that vacuum up all baking soda and let it dry completely.

Once you do this all then the cheese smell from your pillow will be gone.

Way 2: Vodka Method

As I said before, you need to kill the bacteria and remove the bad odor from your pillow and vodka can act as a disinfectant to kill the bacteria.

But this method can be expensive because vodka itself can be expensive.

Mix equal parts of clean vodka with equal parts of water and mix this solution.

Pour this solution into a spray bottle but don’t shake the spray bottle.

After that spray this solution on your pillow and let it sit for 20 minutes and then take a dry towel and absorb the excess solution.

Once it’s dry, sprinkle baking soda on your pillow and let it sit for a few hours, then vacuum up the baking soda.

If you do these steps then the cheese smell will be gone for good.

Also Read: Pillow Smell Like Vinegar? (7 Ways to Remove)

Way 3: Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another strong solution that can remove any type of stains and smell.

Mix half parts of the water with ⅓ part of the hydrogen peroxide then mix them well.

Pour the solution into a spray bottle, and spray the solution on your pillow.

Let it sit for 20 minutes then sprinkle baking soda and let it sit for a few hours.

After a few hours, vacuum up all baking soda.

So this is how you can remove cheese or bad smells from your pillows.

Way 4: Use Commercial Fragrance sprays

If you do not want to hassle then you can just purchase a commercial fragrance spray which will kill the bacteria but also neutralizes odor and gives your bedding a fresh smell.

You can find these sprays in different fragrances but choose according to your preference.

You can find this spray in any outdoor shop or you can buy this spray on amazon.

How to Protect Pillow From Cheese Smell

In order to protect your pillow from cheese or bad smells you need to use a pillow protector and mattress protector for your mattress.

You have to use a waterproof protector to protect your mattress and pillow against sweat, body fluids, dead skin cells, bacteria, and germs.

So always use a mattress protectors and mattress pillows to protect your bedding in the future.

Cheese or any bad smell causes because of bacteria growth in your bedding.

But if you add another waterproof layer to your bedding then sweat and body fluids can’t get absorbed in your pillow and mattress.

Final Words

Removing the cheese smell from your pillow is just a piece of cake if you know how to create a cleaning solution.

But protecting your pillow and bedding in the future is most important than cleaning sweat from your pillow.

Because no matter how much you clean and kill all bacteria in your pillow and mattress, the body fluids, and sweat will always get absorbed in your bedding.

So you need to use a waterproof mattress cover or protector to protect your pillow and the mattress from sweat, dead skin cells, bacteria, and body fluids.

If you have any questions regarding removing the cheese smell from your pillow then you can ask them in the comment section of this article.

Sources: https://asm.org/Articles/2021/December/Microbial-Origins-of-Body-Odor#:~:text=Men%20have%20larger%20sweat%20glands,quantities%20of%20volatile%20fatty%20acids.


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