If you put your air mattress in a damp or wet area then your air mattress may create mold.

And keeping your air mattress inside a plastic bag can also cause mold in the air mattress.

There can be lots of reasons why your air mattress has mold but to remove the mold from the air mattress you need to understand how to remove mold from air mattress properly.

And how to know if your air mattress has mold is very simple.

If your air mattress has lots of different colored splotches then your air mattress has mold.

We will also discuss and see what mold looks like on an air mattress.

But the important step is to remove all mold, mildew, or micro-organisms from your air mattress.

In this article, we are going to discuss how to remove mold from  air mattress, and how to prevent your air mattress from mold and other bacteria.

How to know if your air mattress has mold?

how to remove mold from air mattress

It’s very simple to know if your air mattress has mold or not because mold in an air mattress can cause lots of different colors.

If you see any dark spots or blotches and if that area of the air mattress feels fuzzy and slimy then that’s the sign your air mattress has mold.

How to remove mold from air mattress

Here are some proven steps to remove mold from the air mattress.

Step 1: take your air mattress outside

First, you need to take your air mattress outside for cleaning and remove mold from your air mattress.

Cover the outside surface with a plastic cover and put your air mattress on the plastic cover.

Don’t put the air mattresses directly on the ground.

You need to deflate the air mattress fully to clean the air mattress.

Step 2: Create a cleaning solution

To clean the air mattress and remove the mold from air mattress, you need to create a strong cleaning solution.

For that mix the same amount of vinegar into the same amount of warm water and mix them well into the bucket.

Also Read: How much air to put in air mattress

Step 3: Scrub the area with a sponge

Dip your sponge into the cleaning solution and scrub the affected areas of the air mattress.

If the mold is really strong then use a soft-bristled brush like a nylon-bristled paintbrush to remove mold from your air mattress.

This will loosen up the mold from your air mattress.

Step 4: cleaning the air mattress

You can also use dish soap and warm water to clean the air mattress.

But do not wet the velour areas of the air mattress.

Use bristled brush to remove and scrub mold from the air mattress.

Similarly, you need to clean the opposite side of your air mattress.

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Step 5: spray fabric disinfectant

If your air mattress smells musty or has any lingering odor then you can spray fabric disinfectant to remove that smell.

You can also use a vinegar solution to remove the smell from your air mattress.

Then allow the air mattress to dry completely.

Bonus Tip- if the mold still remains then you can use a diluted bleach solution, I know bleach can weaken plastic mattresses but this step can be used only if the mold remains the same after these all steps.

Final words

Removing mold from air mattresses is an important task to make your air mattress clean and safe from all bacteria.

Because air mattresses are one of the best things for camping or guest bed.

And cleaning your air mattress regularly can improve the quality and cleanliness of your air mattress.

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